Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Finding design and inspiration in everything including LOLAI'BAO bags

Near  'La Defense'  at the christmas market I  bought last week 2 design bags from LOLAI'BAO  for my 2 daughters for their christmas gifts. Honestly I found theses bags attractive, beautiful and useful, that is to say the 3 main qualities required for really design product, and more, they are  created with exclusive fabrics and innovative materials (but in don't know exactly in which materials they are made to be honest)   and are designed for women who feel stylish, fresh, vibrant… and unique..
Unfortunatly my daughters did'nt appreciate too much theses bags and I tried to explain them what was unique and wonderfull in it : the idea of emptyness and simplicity that belongs to each product of their catalog...
At the moment, LOLAI'BAO is missing only one thing (but very importnat to my daughter's eyes)  they are not enough well known as a brand and their bags are not enough expensive. (and to be honest : no visibility enough about the material which is a true weakness...)
Below the bag I offered to my naughty daughters, am I a bad daddy ?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sarah and the 4 T of the demo making

here a nice presentation I did for my own company internal promotion of the usability that is provided by the user portal called NWBC.
In this story Sarah will make a good job as she knows the 4 T of the demo :
  1. Telling Story
  2. Tell Show Tell
  3. True Value
  4. Time (finding and taking)
The slide are mostly in French but  simple and visual
tell me if you like it

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Before the demo show, Do not miss the Telling Story Show

Before showing the demo feature, I try myself to tell a nice story to my audience and in this story (sounds like fairy tale) the feature is the real hero who help the different characters to make their day better solving their own problems. In the press distribution scenario I came up with, we can see how the solution will help Jessica to  create automatically the daily issues of the magazine.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Smartcard demo in front of Courbevoie city Hall staff

2 weeks ago I did a nice demo in order to show  how our solution can help the twon utilities to monetize smartcard.

I confirmed myself the best practice for demo that are based on 3 fundamental actions :
  1. Telling Story (before showing the software you have to tell a real story to the audience, inventing characters that are facing real issues and problems
  2. Showing the features into the system that solve the issues of the main characters  and heroes of your story
  3. Telling the Value that will bring your solution to the audience and their company
Below the drawings that helped me to tell them their story