Thursday, November 11, 2010

Media Sales and Distribution Demo in Centre France

In Centre France,  the  5 th of november (the birthday of my daughter Melisande) I did my best with unfortunatly no chance to succes as no body in the audience was willing to change their current newspaper susbscription   software. This meeting was a lost of time for them and for us ! We didn't change the world and they didn't change it as well listening me without  any goals to change or any goals to learn. Fortunatly, before this meeting I read the post from presentation zen blog  "lesson from the world of Aikido"   that is about dealing with an agressive audience. During this demo I tried very hard to keep my nerves, not becoming defensive and going with the flow "We can't control how people think or behave. Yet, the only real enemy is inside us; this we can control. How we respond to a tough situation is entirely up to us "  Below my drawings I created for this Demo :

The first drawing is about how the solution help the user to choose the best subscription offer according to the customer address

The second drawing illustrate how the solution support the distribution performances for newspapers
The third shows all the huge things that the system does automatically for the customer

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