Tuesday, March 3, 2009

To be a demo god like Steve Jobs

Did you ever notice that there is 2 presenter categories, the first category relates to people that we do not listen when they speak even though we are interested in their topic and in the second category are the people we listen whatever the topic they are discussing about? Obviously Steve Jobs belongs to the second and he is considered by many as one of the most talented presenter in the world.

Why ?
  • Does he make dramatic effect he would learn from the actor studio in Hollywood ?

  • Does he show complicated and colorful powerpoint slides with a lot of customized animation ?

  • Does he use complex techniques in order to hypnotize his audience ?

No, and may be we can learn each of us to present like Steve Job. In this video from bnet.com, communications coach Carmine Gallo provides helpful insights of the methods that Steve Jobs uses to captivate his audience.

Here is the summary of speaking tips used by steve and decoded by Carmine

  • Set the Theme
  • Make your theme clear and consistent
  • Create a headline that sets the direction for your meeting
  • Provide the Outline
  • Open and close each section with a clear transition
  • Make is easy for your listeners to follow your story
  • Demonstrate Enthusiasm
  • Wow your audience
  • Sell an Experience
  • Make numbers and statistics meaningful
  • Analogies help connect the dots for your audience
  • Make it Visual
  • Paint a simple picture that doesn’t overwhelm
  • Give ‘em a Show
  • Identify your memorable moment and build up to it
  • Give your audience an added bonus to walk away with
  • Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
  • Spend the time to rehearse (finding time)

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