Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to transform a very good presentation in a great one ?

Let's me me share with you a post i read from the Guy Kawasaki's blog where guy explains how Nancy Duarte and his team who perform an extreme makeover for his current presentation.
The big challenge was that guy's presentation was already very good from a design point of view as you can check it on this following slides ( Pdf presentation) :
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: outstanding presentation)

The first thing Nancy Duarte team did was to brainstorm about the theme of innovation and what kinD of design slides should apply for this theme. They found out that the current Guy templates was a little too much boxed-in and under controlled whereas innovation should require to be more inventive and less rigid and controlled.
Nancy Duartetext
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: nancy duarte)

Among the overall assessment and critique, the Nancy remark about the logo inspired me as it is very relevant too to all the templates of my own company "Why does each slide need to contain the same logo ! "
And eventually enjoy the final result ! Is that not great ? You know now how to make the journey from good demo to great demo : that's start reading slide:ology book of Nancy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C'est compliuqué tout ca xD